perhaps i should stop ignoring this website and put up some new content. with this post i bring to you jess r
from a recent shoot, or how i learned to something something something
some short time ago with lennox, we created some images i think are really quite wonderful. here are a couple i hope you enjoy. they follow the obligatory "make safe for facebook image." oh, that should be read as a warning.
lennox by joe m / tmedia
lennox by joe m / tmedia
an interesting bit of metrics
a bit of metrics (slash) numbers that i found to be quite interesting. since starting this website less than a month ago, it has received a total of 1,500 hits. not stellar, certainly far away from that old website i used to run that would get that in an hour. still, it is a decent amount and i am able to track some statistics from that. no i don't know where you live when you come here, nor your history or anything else like that, but i am told what browser and operating system people are using when they come here - it's a function of your web browser to tell my server what software it is. the most interesting piece of this is that over 55% of you are coming from android or ios - mobile devices. this was very surprising to me and i'm very glad to have spent the extra bit of time to ensure that this site works on mobile devices.
lesson? if you have a website, make sure it is mobile friendly or lose visitors.
some recent pretty things that really please me
some images that i've done recently that really really please me. please ignore the fb image, it is there to protect the eyes of the pure people at facebook.
melinda sordino
melinda sordino
melinda sordino
with virtually every shoot there's some wonderful out-take moments, something that is really awesome and often funny that doesn't make it into the normally published images. cam and jacs are really great for producing these sorts of images and after looking through our last shoot again i came across them and decided to post them here (with their permission).
jacs and cam
jacs and cam
jacs and cam
artkatalyst magazine
it is with great pride that i announce the inclusion of two of my images with memphis and travis cadeau in the february issue of artkatalyst magazine. i've included the tear sheets below and you can look at more of the issue here.
memphis and travis cadeau
memphis and travis cadeau
welcome to the web
well i've finally taken a long needed step towards being a professional and created a website which includes a blog which i will probably fail to update. good times. but yes do let me know your thoughts.